I have never seen somebody so handsome and so smart!
<3 span="">3>
He is my father's paternal uncle, Sri Sachindranath Ray .. known to all of us as Monikaka
<3 span="">3> .. a picture from decades back! Yesterday afternoon, I clicked this from a framed photograph in his drawing room
(He used to work in the police)
After I had posted this picture on FB last night, m
y dear Babli Pisi (Monikaka-s daughter) told me that this pic had been clicked by my Baba
<3 span="">3> at the Ganges GhaaT of Chandennagore ! And yesterday, unknowingly, I clicked a picture of that picture! Goosebumps! How history repeats itself!
A very strange thing is that while I was posting this picture on FB, still unaware of the fact that this had originally been clicked by Baba, decades back, I had strange feelings that Baba was standing behind me, just as he often used to do, while I worked on the computer!